Sunday, February 17, 2013

Solutions Center

Solution Center

As the snow melts each spring, lawns often show signs of damage from the snow cover over the long winter months.
The most important step you can take is to rake all of your matted down or damaged areas of grass as soon as the snow melts. A light raking just to lift the blades of grass will allow any excessive moisture to evaporate, giving your turf the chance to dry out. If these areas are neglected even for a short period of time the grass will die out and seeding will be required. *To help prevent winter damage, the final cutting of the year should be cut at about 2 inches.
  • Rake matted down areas as soon as snow melts.
  • Proper fertilization will encourage natural healing.
  • Manage the thatch later by doing a core aeration, in fall.
  • Last cutting of the year, cut as short as possible, as late as possible