Saturday, November 9, 2013

Colorful Evergreens in the Landscape: Golden Evergreens

Golden Evergreens in the Landscape
When planning a garden design it is important to incorporate interesting structure and color into the landscape so that there is eye-catching interest all year long. Golden evergreens will not only add structure but will enhance the landscape with their outstanding show of color.  There are a variety of golden evergreens available to the homeowner to implement into the landscape.  There are six in particular that I will focus on in this article that have proven to be hardy in the zone 7 northeastern garden and that will thrive in zones ranging from 4 to 8.
Picea orientalis 'Skylands'
The first in this series is Picea Orientalis 'Skylands' or Skyland's Oriental Spuce.  'Skylands' is a slow growing coniferous tree that prefers full sun to partial shade and is hardy in USDA zones 5-8.  It is true that younger specimens of this tree can be prone to sun scorch so ideally 4-8 hours of sun is best.  I have been successful when planting 'Skylands' in a southeasterly exposure in zone 7.  Grow this tree in a moist well-drained acidic soil and apply mulch around the tree to protect the roots.  After ten years of growth Skylands reaches a height of approximately ten feet and a width of four feet and can grow to a height of 35 feet over time in ideal conditions.  Being a slow grower and having a narrow stature this tree is ideal for smaller spaces.    Its beautiful yellow-chartreuse candles and densely arranged needles make this tree a conversation piece in the landscape.  Mature trees develop small reddish-purple cones that only add to the beauty of this tree.  This tree is truly a favorite!
Chamaecyparis pisifera filifera 'Gold Mop'
The next of the gold series is Chamaecyparis pisifera filifera 'Gold Mop' or Gold Mop Cypress.  Gold Mop Cypress is a small golden conifer with delicate thread-like textured foliage.  This relatively hardy shrub is best grown in full sun in a well-drained acidic soil in zones 4-8.  It displays a low mounding mop -like appearance and reaches a height and width of 3 feet making it an excellent accent plant along with other evergreens and perennials.  Chamaecyparis 'Gold Mop' retains its yellow-golden color all winter and stays compact unlike its counterpart 'Gold Thread' Cypress which becomes more bronzed and reaches a height of 15 feet over time. 

Euonymus japonica 'Aureo Marginata'
Another favorite addition for golden color is Euonymus japonica 'Aureo Marginata' or Golden Euonymus which is not a conifer but rather a broadleaved evergreen.   Golden Euonymus is hardy in USDA zones 6-8 and prefers a moist, well-drained neutral-acidic soil and full sun to partial shade.    This evergreen displays yellow-green shiny foliage all year round and is fairly slow growing.  It reaches a maximum height and width of 4-6' but can be kept compact with regular maintenance pruning. These shrubs serve nicely as either foundation plantings or in an informal garden.

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Aurea Nana'

Next on the list is Chamaecyapris obtusa 'Aurea' or Golden Hinoki Cypress.  Golden Hinoki Cypress ranges in a variety of sizes from the species 'Nana' which is dwarf in size (2-3' in height)  to 'Compacta' which is medium height (10-20 ' in height) to 'Gracillis' (40-60' in height).  Hinoki Cypress are hardy in USDA zones 4-8 and display luxurious golden twisted compact foliage throughout all the seasons.  These evergreens prefer to be grown in full sun in a moist but well-drained acidic soil.  Some of the more popular varieties are Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Aurea Nana' (seen here), 'Verdoni' which displays a deeper yellow foliage and grows a bit taller to 6-8 feet and 'Confucious' which is a newer slower growing variety with broader yellow foliage on emerald green under layers and growing to 4-6 feet in height.  'Crippsi' is a popular golden variety growing to 15-30 feet and can be used as either a specimen or incorporated into a privacy screening.  Each one of these varieties is more beautiful than the next and serve as excellent specimens in the landscape.  Hinoki Cypress can be used as a focal point in a foundation planting or as a stand alone piece in a cottage garden, evergreen garden or perennial border.  These magnificent beauties will add outstanding interest to just about any landscape.

Cedrus deodara 'Aurea'
Golden Deodara Cedar (Cedrus deodara 'Aurea') is another magnificent focal point in the landscape.  It is one of the larger golden evergreens ranging in size from 15-25 feet in height to 80-100 feet in height depending on the particular species.  Deodara Cedar 'Aurea' displays a rich golden-yellow color on graceful wispy branches.  They prefer to be grown in full sun in a moist but well-drained soil and are hardy in USDA zones 6-8.  Cedrus deodara 'Gold Cone' (shown here) grows to height of 20-30 feet and displays beautiful pendulous branches covered in green-yellow foliage and grows in a more vertical fashion thus taking up less space in the landscape than some other cedars.  Golden deodara Cedar is often used as an anchor plant or specimen planting in the landscape.